Week Eight

 Mass Wasting and Hazards

    Mass wasting is when the movement of rocks and soil slide down under the influence of gravity. Rock falls, slumps, and debris flows are examples of mass wasting. It is lubricated by rainfall or caused by seismic activity that may occur rapidly and move as a flow. Some triggers may include intense rainfall, rapid snowmelt, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, stream or coastal erosion.

    El Salvador has constant heavy rainfall, which often causes Landslides, floods and river overflows. Rainy season for El Salvador is usually between June to November, it coincides with hurricane season in the Caribbean. Luckily, El Salvador has an emergency relief program to help those affected. 

To help prepare, El Salvador's government has been reconstructing a few rural areas that are the main affected with the IDB loan. They also urge people to have an emergency bag and a plan to evacuate in any case of a natural hazard.  




